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Thursday, February 4, 2010

I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day. ~Elwyn Brooks

So this is first blog! I don't claim to know much or have anything important to say. But I always have lots to say...

This morning as I was fighting the kids out of bed, I thought of how this could be any harder and I realized just how lucky I was.

I have two healthy, crazy, lovable children. What was I complaining about? I spend 9 hours a day away from them. Yet it seems that 20 minutes after getting home I want to pull my hair out. Why to they fight with each other so much? This is a question that has been plaguing me for a year. So we're buying a house so that they have their own rooms. This is so they they have their space, James has his space, and sanity is that they have their own space.

I've got a ton of plans for the new house...we'll see how many come into fruition. Thus my title. I've decided to improve the world and make it a little more enjoyable for myself. Well, in theory of course. I have decided to plant a garden. Not just an average garden...oh no. Jamie goes big! Which is probably why I always have headaches. HA! I've decided to plant tons of veggies, herbs, and whatever else I can get my hands on. Now, I've never planted a garden, and killed my mums by day two...but I'm determined to eat healthier, replenish the earth, and not pay so much on organics at Kroger.

Once the hell of buying a house has passed we'll see how far I get. For now, I'll be content living with boxes in my small apartment and pulling the kids apart from their fight. Eating on the coffee table and trying to make it through the night sipping a glass of wine and reading them a book on the solar system while James enjoys Fire School.

TTFN...ta ta for now.

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