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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Dad the Hero!

My Dad grew up in Queens New York to a single mother. He helped my Granny around the house and with his little brother. He worked after school and did everything he could to make sure that his family never went without. He grew up with the role model of his grandfather, my Great-Grandfather (Poppie, and has since been handed the reins of the name) and molded his life after him! My dad became a NY firefighter and worked at Stimpson at the same time. He turned the basement of our house into an apartment for extra money. Then he moved us to Florida when NY got bad. He worked in machine shops 60+ hours a week. Running his donut shop (that he and my mother owned) after working at the machine shop, and sleeping on bags of flour in the back room.
My dad is a typically blue collar man that has busted his butt at 2 or more jobs his whole life, with little or no recognition. After over 54 years I am super excited to say that someone has noticed his hard work and determination! He will be receiving an Oscar tonight at Hollywood Casino for his dedication and hard work, and willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done! He is receiving one of the highest honors given at the Casino! I'm so excited that everyone else will know what my family has known all along! That I have a father that was a superb role model, loving father, and will always be my superhero!

If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be the driven person that I am! I know that I wouldn't be the mother I am! My dad tirelessly worked, but never missed anything! He was at every career day, every field trip, and all dance recitals! He didn't miss a beat! He was always there with a smile and a hug, telling me just how proud I made him! There are no words to describe how honored I am to have him as my father!

So thank you Daddy, for always being there! I'm so glad my kids get to see what a great man you are as well! And I'm excited to be able to say that I am proud of you!!!

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